Top 10 Reason to Start Holiday Shopping in August

It's July, so of course I'm starting to think about the holidays.

Yes. The holidays.

I've found that starting early really makes a difference when December madness hits. How, you ask? Well...

Here's my TOP 10 Reasons to start buying holiday gifts in August:

1. My Thinking is Clearer. By the time November rolls around my mind is cluttered with planning, travel, last minute ideas and holiday cards. This is on top of the normally insane family-stuff. So, do I really need another stresser?

2. The malls are Way-Less Crowded. And you're likely looking for an indoor activity to do on really HOT day, anyway. Take your time and peruse the racks -- no one else is holiday gift shopping.

3. Sales. There are great sales on bright, colorful, summery things. And the back-to-school stuff is always an easy win for kids (box of crayons!). Think about it, it's the end of Q3 and stores want to move stuff to bring in new Fall/Winter/Holiday stuff. Take advantage.

4. More Money in the Bank. I usually host Christmas, so no matter how much I save, a large percentage of money goes towards hostess-y things. Suddenly I decide I need more sheets, new towels, decorations, and candles. And groceries and booze! If I do the gift-buying earlier, I have more cash for decorating and feeding people.

5. Stress-Free Online Shopping. Here's what I do; On Amazon I have a "Holiday List" that I update throughout the year. Every few weeks, I'll go back through that list, adding and editing -- usually at night with a cup full of chocolate chips. If I see something in a store, I find it on Amazon (my app allows me to "scan" the barcode) and add it to that list. Then, when I have available funds, I'll make a final edit, move it all into my cart and BUY. You can do it a few times. It's fun!

6. Stores Are Less Crowded With THOSE People. Similar to #2 but this about those people, you know them, they only come to a mall once a year and lumber through racks and generally get in the way of people who have too much to do. There is nothing worse than standing behind that older man who is trying to PAY BY CHECK at Macy's. Sheesh.

6. I Shop Less for Me and More for Other People. For some reason during the holidays I find the cutest stuff FOR ME. And my brain shuts off and I get whiney because I only have a limited amount of cash, and I have to spend it on OTHER people. Boo! And I think, I'm at this awful mall with all these awful people, I deserve this new sweater that's 40% off with this coupon. And I do!

7. Start Homemade Gifts! I get the greatest ideas for homemade gifts (coasters, scarves, pictures, pennants), and if I start them in July, I have a higher success rate. Plus, I'm not adding to my holiday stress by trying to finish knitting THAT scarf on a deadline! Hurry!

8. Cuter, More Personal, Gifts. When you're not over-stressed and thinking about 100 things, you can take the time to find really personal gifts. Last-minuters give is a scarf from Target they picked up on Monday. Early shoppers give a scarf that from a small town in Wisconsin found on the way home from a fabulous vacation that matchs your eyes.

9. Fun to Hide Them. There's something pleasing about having a cache of gifts, stored and hidden away in my house -- waiting for the holiday reveal. Though, I realize I'll need to get creative with hiding it once the girls are old enough to start poking around.

10. To Lord it Over People Who Wait Until the Last Minute. I'm not a boaster, not usually, but it is gratifying to hear coworkers complain about all the "last minute shopping" they have to do and I'm already done (or nearly). I'm still WAY holiday-stressed, sure, but just not about gifts.

Look, it's not like the holidays sneak up on you. Stores start putting up their decorating in October, so why wait until mid-December to get the gifts? And the core group of people you're going to buy gifts for isn't changing, right? So why not get a jump on things and save yourself a little holiday craziness.


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