I Love You Amazon!

I'm often reminded of how much I can't live without my Amazon.com account. It's every working mom's best friend.

It's because of my account, and Prime subscriptions, that I only need a monthly trip, if that, to Target. Less errands makes me a happy Mom.

I've got subscription services set up for paper towels, laundry soap and dish washer liquid. And I buy them in bulk, so I only have to think about it every few months.

I have a bunch of wish lists created for new books and stuff that catches my eye, to look at later. And a list of Holiday Gifts -- which is especially helpful when the kids find a toy they MUST HAVE. I scan the barcode into my Amazon iPhone app and the toy is added to their list. Works every time! (I'll decide later if I'll really buy it.)

The two-day free shipping through Prime insures that gifts get where they need to go quickly -- like on time for my nieces birthday or that I get snorkels delivered the day before our trip to Aruba. 

And recently I discovered there are Orla Kiely handbags -- my designer of choice -- now available and some at discount. (This was a very dangerous find, actually. Is there a way to parental control myself?) 

Anyway, if you're a parent get yourself a Prime account and start organizing your shopping with Amazon. You'll thank me.

(This isn't a sponsored post or anything, I'm just a fan.)


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