Starting New in September

Camp Outfit: We Can
Do Better
With the new school year underway and a new full-time job for me starting at the end of the month, I'm beginning to think of new schedules and strategies.

I know, I know ... you think, what do I have to improve on? But life isn't perfect in Illinois and there is a lot of refinements that need to be made.

There are two, in particular, that I'm focused on.

1. Our morning routine is a mess. I did it sorta on purpose, as it's the summer and my schedule was flexible, no school bus runs and only a loosy-goosey camp schedule to keep. Because of this, the kids head to camp with unbrushed hair, outfits that don't match ... and they don't so much "walk" out of the door as pushed and prodded -- with me running in several times to reclaim something forgotten in the haste.

No more!

The school year means more routine. I got a "Star Chart" for morning and evening routines -- to help remind all of us (me included) to brush hair in the morning, brush teeth at night and all those other annoying things that would be far less annoying if they became a habit.

2. I need to move more.  Other than running the stairs in the house and walking out for lunch, I get very little daily exercise. Some weekends, I do strenuous chores in the garden and feel sore the next day -- but that shouldn't count. It's been nearly a year since I walked into a gym and several months since I strapped on running shoes. My Jillian Micheals and P90x DVDs have been gathering dust since the Spring. Shame on me.

With a new schedule, brings a good opportunity to shoe-horn some movement into my weekly, if not daily, routine. Where? My strategy is to start with waking up a bit earlier. Stealing 15 minutes to do SOMETHING. And working up from there.

Keep me honest, people. I need accountability.

Here's to a happier, and healthier, Autumn!


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