The Dining Room Goes Gray

This weekend I decided, almost reluctantly, to paint the dining room.

Months ago, I painted three different colors in big swaths (see here). And I finally decided I've been looking at them for TOO long. It was time to act.

Dining Room - Ready for Action!
For those following along at home, I'm going with Benjamin Moore's "Ozark Shadows" but got it in a Behr paint-and-primer eggshell -- to continue with the theme of testing out every brand of paint.

As this is my, oh I don't know, NINTH room that I'm painting, I'm pretty confident in my ability. I'm finding my thoughts follow a similar path. (1. excitement. 2. Why didn't a hire someone?! 3. This is going to look awesome! 4. Do I really like this color? 5. I love it. 6. This is fun. 7. I love love love this. Then, I'm done.)

There are a few unique challenges in the dining room:

  • The ceilings are super tall. So a ladder, and the setting aside of my fear of heights, is necessary.
  • The 8-foot dining table, buffet and liquor cabinet can't be moved out of the room, so I've clustered them in the middle.
  • Curtain and shelf hardware also need to remain, so will need to be painted around.
  • The adjoined living room is also going gray, but not today.
The first coat is going on around 6, so I'll be putting on the second coat around 9 or 10. Wish me luck! 


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