The Grass Plan

There's a spot in my landscaping that is completely weeded over. It stretches between two rows of trees and I assume the original landscaper has some grand plan for the area but the plantings either failed or lost out to the weeds.

It's in the back of the lot and I've come up with a plan for it. Simply: Grass.

I could add some shrubs and mulch, but that's costly and there's already too much mulch area in the backyard to maintain. And adding grass makes the space useful for the kids -- for hiding and making forts, no doubt.

Because it's August, there's not much I can do with it. But come early September and I'm going to cover the area with heavy layer of newspaper to kill the weeds. Then, I'll add dirt over it and sod (or grass seed, if I'm feeling pinched for cash). The newspaper will eventually compost and feed the grass and hopefully keep some of the weeds from coming back.

My Weed Patch: Picture Grass!
That's my grand plan, anyway. In the meantime, save your newspaper for me!

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