Jessica's Day of Unemployment

Dining Room Vignette
Yesterday I celebrated a milestone -- my last day at a job I've held since first moving to Illinois. Overall, it was a great experience and they were generous to give me a summer of part-time hours. We had a great summer.

But, I got a new job. One that I hope will be more fulfilling and able to keep a better work-life balance. And it starts on Monday.

So today, is my one and only day of unemployment.

I packed the kids off to school and pondered what to do. I had two options: Indulge in all my vices like reading, binge watching TV shows, playing in the garden. Or, Option 2: Run errands, tackle to-do lists and generally get some things done.

Oh ... how I wish I was the type to be able to take Option 1. But I'm not. So errands it was.

Here's a few things I accomplished.

Cups in the Kitchen
1. Replace my New Jersey drivers license with one from Illinois. I've lived here for nearly two years, so it's well-past time. I rocked the quiz, so mission accomplished. And a much better picture.

2. Clean and tidy up. Always and forever.

3. Indulge in a little Starbucks (tall latte forever).

4. Organize a few cabinets in the kitchen. 

5. Hang pictures in the dining room.

6. A little work and a little play at the computer.

If I was being sincerely honest, I'd tell you that I sat on the sofa for an hour listening to an audiobook playing a game on my phone -- but I'll leave that part out.

Hope you enjoy your weekend!


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