Family Room Curtains - More Awesomeness

A Side View
Happy to report these curtains are finally complete! Huzzah!

These took a bit more time -- that's nearly 7 yards of fabric, people! But they turned out pretty well -- and look! They're the same length! Crazy skills.

I love that the navy blue "talks" (that's what the decorators on HGTV say, I'm totally a professional now) to the big navy blue wall on the other side of the room. Someday, if I have my way, this room will have white walls, instead of beige. And those curtains will really "pop" then. Little by little ...

There are two other lower windows in this room, that flank the fireplace, and I have a sneaking suspicion a certain husband of mine will begin asking for more coverage on those windows, once he realizes the later afternoon sun hits those.

But, for now, I think that will take care of my curtain-making career. I'm off to find other home project.

Wall of Blue Curtains


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