The Garden Update for End of July

It's late July and here's the news from my veggie garden.

The good: We started harvesting cucumbers (yum!) and we've gotten a second harvest out of the lettuce, likely to be one or two more! I'm starting to pull the onions out of the ground and am fascinated by the "curing" process.

The bad: The beans just withered up and died and I'm not sure why or what happened. I never even got a decent yield out of them. Also, not sure what to do about this broccoli. Where are the little trees?

Updates: I added a pepper plant to each garden last weekend. I'm also noticing the few cilantro plants I left after harvesting is starting to come back. I was told to pull the entire plant after the first harvest. Next time, I'll leave them and see what happens.

The Herb Garden: Basil is Nearly Ready to Harvest! There are a Few Tomatoes on
The Left Side That Will Be Ready In a Week or Two.

Veggie Bed: Onions are Nearly Done. Lettuce Is Still Going.
And See the Beans on the Trellis? Bummer.
 More photos ...

Hiding Cucumber, Amidst the Carrots

Dead Beans. Awww.


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