Pom-Pom Wreath is Finally Done!

Pom Pom Wreath
I started this pom-pom wreath as part of a playdate for Leah and her friend. The glue wasn't working on the Styrofoam very well, so they got bored with it fairly quickly and found something else to do.

Then, I sat there for another hour, wrestling with glue and getting pom-poms everywhere. I eventually gave up and packed it away.

This was in December.

Ever since, it's been sitting on my desk in the office half-done and taunting me.

I bought a hot glue gun in April, with the intention of finishing it, but I never got around to it.

Until this week!

I only had to dedicate 30 minutes of my time, and the tender flesh on my thumb and pointer finger (that gun was HOT), to finish it. But it's now done!

Happy dance!!


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