A Prince is Born

From PEOPLE.com
Love That They're Wearing Blue!
It's well-known that I'm a bit of an anglophile -- I have commemorative tea set from Will and Kate's wedding on display in my house, for pete's sake! So, a new royal arrival, (third in line to the throne, no less) is a pretty big deal in my world.

I marvel at Kate's ability to be perfect. She looked gorgeous throughout the pregnancy, wore high heels into the last few weeks and, today, looks camera ready less than a day after giving birth. And she had a BOY the first time out! The Queen has got to be thrilled about that.

Now that's left is to find out the little Prince's name! My current name guesses are: Philip (for Will's grandfather, obvi), Thomas, Michael or James.

Anyway, congrats to the new little family. I wouldn't change places with you, but I'll sure enjoy receiving the commemorative birthday tea cups to add to my collection.

UPDATE: They named is George! All hail his Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge!!


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