My Entry into Cosmetics

See the Work I Put Into This Eye!?
A year ago, I started to wear eye makeup on a daily basis.

This statement might seem strange, as it was my 36th birthday when I made this resolution. And not, say, my 16th.

As a teen, I wasn't really into makeup. I didn't think I needed it and I hated girls who wore too much and looked garish. Honestly, I didn't spend much time in front of a mirror.

But lately I've noticed my eyes are looking droopier, puffier and tired (which, I am). Plus, I have some red spots and burst blood vessels that make my cheeks and nose too rosy. (Thanks childbirth!)

So, enter my experiments into cosmetics.

I’ve spend the last year trying to figure out what girls in their teens usually discover. I recently learned how to apply eye-liner, something my older sister mastered in high school. (While driving and shifting gears.) I'm oddly proud of that accomplishment.

Lately, I’ve been looking for a decent lipstick and after a florescent coral disaster from Target, I decided to hit the Sephora and seek professional advice. Worth it! She me walked around the store, tried on several options, and helped me choose two colors: everyday and an "evening that popped." Who knew?!

The moral of this story, I guess, is: It's never too late for eye shadow and mascara.


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