Learning to Lose

Want to Play UNO?!
I wouldn't consider myself a very competitive person, but after years of playing games against my sisters, and trying to beat them senseless, it's hard to NOT want to win, even against my own little girl.

The summer before freshman year, my big sister Carol and I played card games until the wee hours of the night, perfecting our strategy and our shuffling techniques. Spoons, Speed, Uno, La Ronda, Gin, Gin Rummy -- we played them all. And winning was a BIG deal. But we wouldn't brag. We were good sports. We'd win, quietly celebrate (it was past our bedtimes) and choose a new game. Since, it's just ingrained in my brain to scheme, plan ahead, set myself up to win at these games.

So you can imagine now playing with my emerging little opponent, a 7-year-old who lacks the skills but gets upset when Mom beats her, is not an easy transition. I've found that I have to reprogram myself to lose. Or, and this is more difficult, set her up to win (without it being so obvious). I mean, I am teaching her how to play, right? That should include how to kick butt!

Yes, I'm learning to be a better loser. Just don't tell my sister! 

Update: After a recent conversation with Carol, it seems it was the summer before SHE started freshman year. This seems more accurate as she was "too cool for me" once she was a high schooler, and stopped hanging out with me. *sniffle*


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