The View of the Family Room: Then and Now

Here's a blast from the past. Remember this space? 

Family Room: Circa December 2011
This was a few days after our furniture was delivered. I took the picture from the balcony that overlooks the bright family room. Maggie, my Mom and Dave are watching TV -- likely relaxing after slaving away over some task I set them on, unpacking or hanging something. 

And now, a mere 19 months later, here's the view from that balcony today. 

Family Room: Circa July 2013
We made some good improvements here. A few new tables, the curtains (of course) and a far better rug -- though, from this angle, it looks too small. I'll need to add some tiles. (*Adding it to the list*)

That poor, sad little sofa is on its last springs, I'm sorry to say. And it's on the to-replace list for 2014. It has served us well over the last eight years.

Sometimes it's nice to look back at all we've accomplished in such a short time. Hooray!


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