The Glorious July Garden

It's July in my two raised beds, and they're looking great!

Admittedly, I've been a little lax on thinning out the seedlings. This is something I'll need to remember next year when it comes time to sow the seeds. The carrots especially are right on top of each other -- meaning the seeds were more successful than we thought -- but I need to be more aggressive in thinning.

I'm confused about the onions. The books say to wait until the stalk dies, then pull the bulbs -- but that sounds contrary to me. I'll do more research.

The herbs also need to be harvested and dried. I'll attempt that this week -- how hard can that be?!

Mostly Veggies in This Garden. Beans in the Back, Broccoli in the Middle,
Onions Spiking Up and Lettuce in the Front. I Harvested the Second Round
of Lettuce This Weekend, Too.
Herbs Here: Parsley and Sage in the Back, Thyme and Cilantro in the Middle, Basil
and a Lone Strawberry Up Front. The Cilantro Was Harvested This Weekend. I'll Replant
Them for a Second Round This Week.
Finally Seeing Some Snap Peas! They're So Cute!
The Sage! I Haven't Been Quick Enough to Keep Them From Blooming.
I'm Reading Up on Harvesting These Leaves for Tea and Drying.

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